(Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)
Anti-Racism: Microaggressions vs Macroaggressions
Social justice begins with knowledge and awareness. Distinguishing the differences between microaggressions and macroaggressions creates opportunities to tailor your push for justice. It then progresses into changed behavior. This workshop is designed to shake and reshape our thinking and behaviors as it relates to ending racism.
Identities Influence Us
Each of us experiences stages in life that require personal inventory and discovery. Our identities are consistently shifting as influences and experiences modify how we view the world, see ourselves, and how others perceive us. Out of a greater understanding of the integration of our identity, values are birthed and transformed. Our values are a driving force behind our purpose. This workshop will explore personal identity and lead participants to discover purpose at any threshold.
Equity & Inclusion
Discussions around diversity and multiculturalism have occurred for decades; however, addressing the need for equity and inclusion has not. Equity and inclusion are the balance of opportunity for groups of minorities amongst the majority. This workshop focuses on developing systemic action plans for individuals, groups, and/or organizations to produce results that show equity and inclusion.